
Public institutions and private companies address their needs for services provided by drones in a growing market of devices and applications. In the security aspect, there is a wide variety of drones and applications that greatly facilitate the operation and cost savings for a host of specifications: surveillance of buildings and facilities of all kinds, protection of convoys and personalities, critical infrastructure and distribution networks , events and large agglomerations, transport routes, ports and airports, fields, forests and mountains, borders and coasts, emergencies and catastrophes, etc.

But we must also protect the territory and facilities, forces and citizens against the threat posed by the malicious or unconscious use of drones. On this specific need for security APTIE already organized on March 15th 2018 in the CETSE the antiDrone day. and in October 4th 2018 in the INTA La Marañoza the secuDrone Confenrece.

In this broader context is where APTIE organizes the 3rd edition of secuDrone, the 360º event on needs and answers about drones, counter-drones and applications for security. A meeting between manufacturers and developers of products and solutions with public institutions and critical infrastructure operators for the exhibition of needs and the proposal of technical solutions.

What is the profile of those attending this day?

secuDrone is an open space for networking between participants, and the transmission of knowledge and experiences. 

The final agendas of the conferences  and the list of exhibitors will soon be published.

There are several ways to participate in secuDrone:

Presentation: 20 minute speech in the Conference Room-

Exhibition: product exhibition in Exhibition Area.

Registration: to attend the day.
Access to Conferences and Exhibition.
Includes documentation, coffees and lunch.
Soon the atendees registration will be open.

If you are interested in participating, you can contact or call +34 91 081 8894

Last year they took part as sponsor or speaker in secuDrone companies as DJI, Indra, Rohde & Schwarz, Fada-Catec, Coserima, Thales, Aerotools UAV, Isdefe, CIAC, Gradiant, System Drone España, Target Tecnología, GMV, Dronitec, Dronetools, Etra, Iberdrola, Armers VdC, Ciser System o ASDT.